I worked on ASB Bank in three different agencies. Luckily for me, it was truly a brand where you could be creative at every touchpoint - especially in the digital, activation and integrated realm. Here’s a few examples I’m particularly proud of, beyond Clever Kash.

First up is Experience ASB. A literal digitally-led “try your bank before you buy.” Hugely successful and durations spent on the website were an insane 8 mins 40 on average.

And we had some tongue-in-cheek fun with outdoor too.


ASB Run Down Your Rate. Get the same rate as your marathon time. So successful they repeated it the following two years.

More sponsorship, this time for the ASB Tennis Classic. We trained dogs to become Ballboys. It worked, and Venus Williams helped us ensure it featured in the news around the world.

When I joined Droga5 we built a massively integrated brand campaign to launch the platform idea “Creating Futures.” Hugely interactive, engaging, and a bit before it’s time I reckon, although I was never a fan of “Creating Futures” (something already decided before I joined).

And finally one of a series - ASB Money Conversations. Mostly ad-libbed work based on scripts written by a writers room of non-advertising writers.



Tui Catch a Million


Women's Refuge Shielded Site